Monday, September 14, 2009

My girlfriend and Salvia Divinorum1

My girl Emily told me about Salvia Divinorum. She was a stoner when in school and dabbled in stronger drugs when she was young. Being a young woman in her twenties, however, she decided to clean up her act and restrict consumption of recreational drugs to alcohol, cigarettes and the occasional blunt. One warm night of summer, we were inside my car, we reclined back our seats, staring at the bottomless well of starlight. Suddenly, Emily asked looking at me I forgot! Have you ever tried Salvia?" I said I hadn't, and that I didn't even know Salvia. She pulled out a vial out of a bag. "I bought it at", she said. Black Hat Botanicals? I had never heard of them. "Salvia Divinorum is a mint," she said, "a rare mint from Mexico which is legal in our state and makes you hallucinate if you smoke it."

...(to continue)...

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